3D pens back in action!

It has been a long time coming, but the 3d pens are starting to come back online.




While it’s true our 3d pens had a bit of a rocky start, now thanks to our wonderful IT team we have one ready and willing to be used and the other one is surely on the way. The 3d pens are a great tool for projects if  you want to create something without buying an expanse of materials. The 3d pens are also a great way to concept an idea if you are trying to make a large project and would like to plan it out before you start creating your masterpiece. While the 3d pens are an amazing tool you should remember that they are only a part of what makes our HCHS makerspace so spectacular, so don’t be afraid to visit if ever the need be.

Snap Circuits

This week in the library we have been working with things in the makers space. Everyone, IT or Library Aide, has mastered one thing or the other. I have been working (and basically playing) with the snap circuits. The snap circuits come with booklets that have over 100 projects that you can just sit around and play with. If this sounds or looks interesting to you, at all, just come by the library!

What Will Happen to the Library Next Year?

desktop_computer_512It’s the end of school year and our students are still hard at work on the desktops in the Media Center, and will be until the final day. Luckily students won’t have to worry about finding a free desktop next year due to the Chromebooks they’re receiving. The question still remains, however, what will happen to our library? Obviously students will still need to get books from the library, but what else? The answer is right in front of us. Without all the extra desktops, there will be more free real estate in the library, which will allow the Makerspace and Help Desk to expand and continue helping students in a whole new way. This will give students room to work on class projects in the library helping them improve their education. So, there is no need to worry about what will become of our Library/Media Center.


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Here at Henry County High School we have students using the craft tools from our makerspace to create a scrapbook for their classes. The makerspace is a great tool for all students to use at HCHS that allows them to do class work in a fun and creative way. What one student is doing above is only one of the ways that students can express themselves at school in our library/media center.

Eastern Elementary School and Makerspace

Henry County High School IT Help Desk is making a difference at Eastern Elementary. The IT Help Desk is getting students involved and interested in learning. This is our IT Help Desk team helping make a difference. Here the IT Help Desk is teaching students different standards for their science curriculum.
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57445747After some of the kids were able to design there own ideas with the inventor set Snap Circuits. Everyone had a great educational time.IMAG0433




Snap Circuits


snapSnap circuits are a fun way to teach students about circuits and currents. Most kits come with lots of different components so the possibilities are endless. These are a fun way to get kids interested in electronics. Students can use these to make anything from alarms to AM radios.

-Jesse Potts



This week I showed a couple of students how the Makey Makey Works. I showed them a bunch of different items that you can connect to it to make it work. I had them thinking about all of the things that could work. They eventually ended up hooking it up to them selves and playing Flappy bird by giving high fives to each other. I believe that they truly enjoyed using the device and I look forward to sharing it with more students.

-Jesse Potts