Fixed Chromebooks

Many students do not know what to do when their Chromebooks break or when they’re going to get them back. It is all really simple to be honest. When you break or have a problem with your Chromebook bring it to the IT desk at the library. When you get there an aide will assess the problem and try to find a solution. Often times the Chromebooks have to get sent to the middle school for more work and you’ll be assigned a loaner. Once your Chromebook is completely fixed, it will be brought to your class!

Snap Circuits

This week in the library we have been working with things in the makers space. Everyone, IT or Library Aide, has mastered one thing or the other. I have been working (and basically playing) with the snap circuits. The snap circuits come with booklets that have over 100 projects that you can just sit around and play with. If this sounds or looks interesting to you, at all, just come by the library!

Types of Chromebook Users


There are a few different kinds of Chromebook users. There are the day users, take-home users and loaners. The day users pick their Chromebooks up in the morning and drop it back off at the end of the day. The take-home users are allowed to keep their Chromebooks with them 24/7. The loaner Chromebooks are for people who either broke their Chromebook or left it at home. There are only a few loaner Chromebooks and they go fast everyday. So if you are in need of one make sure you come to the IT desk early to ensure that you have something to use during the school day.