What Will Happen to the Library Next Year?

desktop_computer_512It’s the end of school year and our students are still hard at work on the desktops in the Media Center, and will be until the final day. Luckily students won’t have to worry about finding a free desktop next year due to the Chromebooks they’re receiving. The question still remains, however, what will happen to our library? Obviously students will still need to get books from the library, but what else? The answer is right in front of us. Without all the extra desktops, there will be more free real estate in the library, which will allow the Makerspace and Help Desk to expand and continue helping students in a whole new way. This will give students room to work on class projects in the library helping them improve their education. So, there is no need to worry about what will become of our Library/Media Center.


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Here at Henry County High School we have students using the craft tools from our makerspace to create a scrapbook for their classes. The makerspace is a great tool for all students to use at HCHS that allows them to do class work in a fun and creative way. What one student is doing above is only one of the ways that students can express themselves at school in our library/media center.

No Red Ink

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No Red Ink is a website kids in English classes can use to better their grammatical abilities. This site ranges from knowing the difference between words that sound the same like prejudice and prejudiced to how to arrange body paragraphs in an essay. This tool is really helpful to students, I know from personal experience. Lets just say I can’t English, as one can see by that phrase alone. However, this program has helped me get better at English, which is saying something, even my spelling abilities have gotten better.

Quizlet in English

This week in English class students have been using Quizlet to learn vocabulary for their upcoming novel that for the students has no name as of right now. This is a really fun site for students to use and learn. There are many different functions and competitive games on the site. The teacher can even start a live competition between students using Quizlet Live which I would have to say is my favorite thing in English because I’m a very competitive person, and English bores me, but this makes it interesting and fun.


Infinite Campus App

If you’re a student who likes to know what your grades are at all times then the infinite campus app is for you. This app constantly updates with your online infinite campus report and even gives you updates about grades just being posted. To use the app you have to know your schools code it’s normally a six letter code that you enter first. After that you enter your normal login for infinite campus. This is an extremely useful tool for the students at HCHS and many students use it all the time to make sure the GPA doesn’t go down the drain.Mobile App button

Eastern Elementary School and Makerspace

Henry County High School IT Help Desk is making a difference at Eastern Elementary. The IT Help Desk is getting students involved and interested in learning. This is our IT Help Desk team helping make a difference. Here the IT Help Desk is teaching students different standards for their science curriculum.
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57445747After some of the kids were able to design there own ideas with the inventor set Snap Circuits. Everyone had a great educational time.IMAG0433




Using LiveBinders in History Class

Students at Henry County High School are using our schools tablets in many classrooms, but one example is the use of the tablets in history class.

IT Blog

In the photo above a student is using a website known as LiveBinder to take notes in his history class. This student before had issues with falling asleep in class due to taking the handwritten notes, but he is able to stay up and functioning. Students also use Google Classroom in our history classes which helps them keep track of the work they are doing and the work they have done. This helps the students stay organized and turn in classwork on time.

Microscopic Colonoscopy Robots

Colon biopsies have advanced a lot in the world of robotics medicine. Instead of having a doctor snip of tissue from the colon to find out if someone has colon cancer we can now have tiny micro-robots do the job. Originally a colonoscopy was a very painful and intrusive process because a doctor would have to take about a dozen biopsies to find out what the problem is. Now, a doctor can insert hundreds or thousands of these star-shaped grippers and later retrieve them with a magnet or by digging through the patients waste later. This process is a lot less painful and faster for the patients.


Solar Freakin’ Roadways

Solar roadways are amazing pieces of technology that pay for themselves. These roadways stay a couple degrees above freezing to prevent snow build up. They also have pressure sensors that allow them to sense if something, an animal, boulder, or a fallen tree, is in the road  and will help prevent accidents, especially at night since they light up.

Concrete Canvas

Concrete canvas is concrete that can be easily molded into whatever you need. This canvas is easily manipulated while it is dry, but after you get it wet and it dries again it solid hard concrete. this can be easily transformed into a sterile environment for surgeons out on the battlefield.