Flexible LED display

These new upcoming plans for next gen. phones and TVs  will change how user friendly they are. The plan is to create screens that will not shatter from being dropped and add other features like bending the corner to turn the volume up or down. To begin with creating a screen that doesn’t distort the picture when bent is difficult, and to do so they had to make everything inside the screen move together, to prevent distortion.

Gesture Interfaces

The Gesture Interface is a newer field of technology, being incorporated into everyday things like the Xbox Kinect, PS3 motion sensor, Wii, Snapchat and Facebook. it’s a field of technology that’ll only continue to grow, simplifying everyday task. It be easier to swipe a finger and change a channel then spend twenty minuets looking for a remote.

Google Driverless Car

Google’s new driverless car, incorporates cameras, sensors, and G.P.S. to maneuver obstacles and reach their set destinations. This opens new opportunities for people, taxi drivers would be changing in their taxi job for an engineering degree, to work on these driverless cars. we’re moving from dependent technology to independent technology, simplifying everyday task.


Parallella is a mini super computer that can run multiple complex task, this opens computers to new capabilities. This will allow computers to run more complex simulations and run them quicker. The best part about this computer is its cheap, allowing anyone with a hundred dollar bill in their pocket to own their own super computer.

Google Forms


Google Forms can be beneficially used in classrooms to create outlines for students on what they’re supposed to do. Students in Ms.Vaughts class are creating Writing folders comprised of everything they’ve done this year and in past years. The Goal of this was to organize students writing folders.

Virtual Reality Flying Simulator

A new experience for those curious what its like to fly in VR. The product simulates the experience of flying. The user has to shift their weight in order to change their path of flight. The VR flying machine hopefully will come down in cost to make it a more accessible experience.