Flying cars coming soon!

AeroMobil is trying to make flying cars you can buy one now but it wont be here till 2020 and your going to have to pay at least $1.2 million. A top speed of 99 mph on the road, a 161 mph cruise speed in the air, and a one-button conversion process that takes just three minutes. I cant wait to see one on the roadfe3h82QqRsEBLmx9wDokWD-650-80

3 Ressions why use a Dvorak Keyboard


1. Dvorak increases your speed. 70% of keystrokes are on the home row; 22% on the top row; 8% on the bottom.

2.Not only is Dvorak faster than QWERTY, it’s also more accurate. Errors occur more when you type away from the home row

3. Dvorak has other cool benefits. Using Dvorak puts you in an exclusive club. like having a Mac instead of a PC.

iPhone 8

2017 will mark the 10th anniversary of the iPhone and Apple has something “major planned”. Rumors suggest the iPhone 8 will feature a radical redesign, with an edge-to-edge display. Touch ID may be built directly into the display, meaning there will be no Home button. And Apple is rumored to be testing more than 10 prototype iPhone models. But There a lot we still don’t know and best guess Apple will release there  final model of the iPhone 8  this fall

Newsletter to Parents

Every Friday, Mrs. Vaught’s class writes personal newsletters to their parents. They use the school’s Chromebooks to create them on Google Docs. Nic Riggins, shown here, is midway through his newsletter. Each students’ newsletter is unique to them. With access to Chromebooks the students are able to do more than if they did not have them. Next year with the 1:1 program, each student will be given a Chromebook and will all be on the same playing field when it comes to technology. This will allow all students to be able to work on assignments at home, with or without internet.

What are Bitcoins and How to Mine Them

Bitcoin is a form of digital currency made and held electronically on the web. No one controls it. Bitcoins aren’t printed like dollars, they’re made by people solving mathematical problems.


Bitcoins are not regulated by the government like paper money up to the public. Bitcoins are secured by “Bitcoin Miner.” Learn more about Bitcoin servers.  Bitcoin miners use special hardware to solve complex mathematical problems to earn Bitcoins. Most miners work together in a pool to solve these problems, which in turn still takes a long time if you try it with your PC at home. With a regular home PC, it would take you about 100 years to mine one bit coin. Learn more about Bitcoin mining.  Bitcoins are worth $1,016 USD each. This is what keeps people mining them.

Google maps


on goggle maps you can find info about places, stores and ect

1 Google Maps app Open the Google Maps app

2 Search for a place or touch it on the map

3 Swipe up on the info sheet.

 Also can Get directions to a location.
  1. To hear voice-guided Navigation, touch the Navigation icon.
  2. To exit Navigation, touch the X in the lower left.

Google and LG’s Smart Watch


The two companies will unveil these smartwatches on February 9 but what we know of right now is that there is two type. Angelfish is the large one on the left  and sword fish on the left i think that Sword fish is going to be a sport version. but that is just speculation but there coming February 2017!

Snap glasses


Snapchat on Saturday announced sunglasses that take videos through a built-in camera in the frame  bringing to mind Google’s controversial Glass product.

Snap’s Spectacles let users take 10 second videos by tapping a button on the top left-hand corner of the eye frame. Users can tap on the record button to record another 10-second segment. They can record videos up to 30 seconds long in all.

The videos can be stored locally or transmitted over WiFi or Bluetooth to Android and iOS devices.

Galaxy Note 7 Recall exploding batteries!

Samsung Electronics Co., faced with exploding batteries in some of its top – selling phones, exacerbated the situation in the way it communicated with regulators and consumers, says former U.S. officials and people familiar with similar product recalls.

The discovery that batteries on the Galaxy Note 7 smartphone could ignite created a tricky task for Samsung: orchestrate a recall of 2.5 million devices spanning 10 countries.