Having trouble with your Chromebook?

If you have received a Chromebook and are having some problems with it, come visit the IT Help Desk in the Library. Even though we are only four weeks into the school year, we have already had several Chromebooks that need to be fixed. We have had broken/cracked screens, missing or non-working keys, internet difficulties, and login problems. If you are having any of these problems, or others like getting something stuck in the ports in the sides of the laptop, or just doing weird things, come by and ask us to take a look at it. We will fix it the best we can. If we can not fix it right away, we will assign you a temporary one and try to fix it as soon as we can. We are here to help you and make sure that you are able to do what you need to get done for your classes. If you are having trouble with the WiFi, make sure you are connected to HC_CrOS. If you still can’t connect, come by to use the hotspot.


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